Thursday, February 23, 2012

5 Easy tips for freelancers (part-5)

Get in touch with your clients:

I think to get a good client over internet is fully depends on your luck. There are lot of frauds around us and we don't know who is solid and who is fake! So, we the freelancer always try to search a good client and make him/her always happy. So that you can get regular work from them. Be honest with your work. From the starting of the project to last session of work you have keep you patience and honestly finish your task.Try to add your clients in your skype , Gtalk or Yahoo messenger. So that you can also be their contact lists. Wish them in occasions, start conversation with greetings called a good manner to make happy clients. If you can manage 3/4 fixed clients who give you regular work, then I'm sure you never unsuccessful in your freelancing career.

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